Stalin's bunker (30 photos)

27 August 2007

The creation of this object dates back to the 30s of the twentieth century. Its construction was part of the state program, including ensuring the country's defense capability. The facility is connected by a 17-kilometer underground road to the city center (Kremlin).

The stadium was chosen as a camouflage object for the secret facility. It was announced in the media: “To ensure the proper holding of the Spartakiad, build a central stadium of the USSR in the city of Moscow. When constructing a stadium, proceed from the construction of spectator stands with at least 120,000 numbered seats and a sufficient number of various types of physical education facilities of auxiliary value for educational and public use. When designing, provide for the construction in the second phase of a Palace of Physical Culture with scientific institutions, an academy, an institute.”

For the construction of the All-Union Physical Education Complex, a site was allocated located in the Izmailovsky Menagerie along the following boundaries: from the south - Izmailovskoye Highway, bordering the green area of ​​the Izmailovsky Park of Culture and Recreation, from the north - Stromynskoye Highway, from the west - the Circular Railway, from the east - a broken line line bordering the village of Izmailovo and the eastern border of Silver Island along with water.

The main object of the WFC was the central core - a stadium with stands with 120,000 seats and a maximum number of places for standing. The plan of the central core was supposed to provide the possibility of mass action.

The grandstand in plan should have the form of a symmetrical unequal hexagon and consist of a lower stall for 36,800 people, an upper stall for 22,000 people and balconies for 70,200 people.

Viewer distance from the center of the core: across the cross section – maximum 171.5 m, minimum – 52.5 m; maximum height of seats from ground level 44 m.

Planning for the need for state leaders to appear on the government podium during mass sporting and political events, this stadium is connected by an underground road to the central part of the city of Moscow. In part of the under-tribune space there is a reception hall and work rooms. Given the complexity of the international situation in the 30s, the USSR made active preparations to repel aggression, masking its creation of purely civilian targets. The future central stadium of the USSR was no exception.

In 1939, upon completion of the construction of the underground part of the structure, the creation of the All-Union Sports Complex was suspended.

The Stalin bloc included:
Meeting room of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command of the Red Army;
J.V. Stalin's office;
Recreation rooms of J.V. Stalin;
Dining room;
General's office;
Combat service and support rooms.

A fair question would be: “Did Stalin work in this bunker?”

According to the testimony of a person who worked next to Stalin throughout the war years, Stalin visited the Bunker in 1941, most likely it was an inspection of the finished bunker and a training trip by car through the underground tunnel from the Kremlin to the Bunker.

And also I.V. Stalin worked in this facility at the end of November - beginning of December 1941, i.e. on the hardest days. It was here that the decision was made: “Leave Moscow to the enemy” or “Defend Moscow.” At the beginning of December (December 5, 1941), the Red Army counteroffensive near Moscow began, which was a success.

As a result of the beginning of victories, I.V. Stalin moved to the Kremlin and never left it (as a workplace).

27 August 2007
а если б вольфшанце так вот посмотреть.....
12 January 2010
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