Soviet motorcycles vs. Gazulya moped (11 photos)

Category: Motorcycles, PEGI 0+
12 February 2013

Many modern schoolchildren have never heard of these iron horses that ploughed the length and breadth of our land. Today I suggest you recall the most popular motorcycle brands in the USSR.

Perhaps it is worth starting with a short excursion into the history of Soviet motorcycle manufacturing. In the late 1920s, experimental IZH motorcycles were created, in the 30s small-scale production began, and only in the late 40s - early 50s did truly large-scale production begin. In the 60s, the first motorcycles "IZH Jupiter" (two-cylinder engine) and "IZH Planeta" (single-cylinder engine) were produced. The Degtyarev Plant produces the 175-cc "Kovrovets", which later became the "Voskhod".

The USSR begins to supply motorcycles "Jawa", which were considered the best available in the USSR.

This is where the purely historical excursion should probably end, the motorcycles listed above are of interest to collectors, in good condition they are quite expensive.

1. It would be unfair not to tell about the moped "Karpaty"

It was produced at the Lviv Motor Plant, has a 50 cc engine, and, as a result, you can ride it without a category A driver's license. The engine is low-power, in terms of dynamics and maximum speed it significantly lags behind modern scooters, but is great for children and learning the technical side. Analogues are "Verkhovyna" and "Delta".

2. Minsk

The small-volume engine provides a low maximum speed, the motorcycle is light, making it great for learning to ride. It is quite difficult to find in good condition.

3. Voskhod

A little heavier and more powerful than the previous version.

4. Izh Planeta, Jupiter 4-5

They differ in engines (single- and two-cylinder, respectively). They were produced until the 90s, as a result they can be found in good condition. The latest models were equipped with a water cooling system and alloy wheels. The "Planeta or Jupiter" debate is quite active, you can study the pros and cons in detail on motorcycle forums.

5. Ural, Dnepr

A heavy motorcycle with a four-stroke engine, it is not recommended to take the first motorcycle. Urals continue to be produced now, a new one, depending on the model, costs 250-300 thousand rubles.

6. Jawa

There are several modifications that can be purchased at the moment. They can be divided into motorcycles with 6V and 12V electrical equipment. The 6V version has a less powerful engine and a weak generator, but, subjectively, motorcycles equipped with 6V equipment are more beautiful (in the photo). They are motorcycles of the same class as the "Jupiter", but more pleasant to operate. Spare parts are hard to find if needed.

I would like to note that I had both Izh and Voskhod with Minsk, and before them various mopeds "Delta", "Karpaty" and others. But my very first and favorite will always be the bike with the motor "Gazulya". I got it quite early, in the 3-4 ohm class. Like the one in the photo:

Exactly with such a seat. Inside it is an improvised box for tools) Of course, you can't put a large tool, but for a couple of spark plugs and a spark plug holder there is just the place!

This unit was equipped with such a motor, mainly D5 or D6. Even a schoolboy could fix it) The fuel used was gasoline of the A-66, A-72 and A-76 brands. I remember that it was also necessary to be able to prepare the correct fuel mixture of gasoline and motor oil. Everything according to the instructions, otherwise it won't go ;-)

An ideal vehicle for forest and bumpy terrain. For fishing there, to the neighboring village for a discos...) What kind of mopeds and motorcycles did you have?

Source: live-imho

12 February 2013
2 673 comments
У меня мотоцикла не было... Сцал я на них ездить...
12 February 2013
1 389 comments
У меня была Чезетта,она же Чеза.
12 February 2013
"Днепр"!!! еще когда-то был "Муравей"
12 February 2013
161 comment
С детства езжу на Яве, Сейчас на Хонду пересаживаюсь ))))
13 February 2013
3 731 comment
у меня была Планета-5 winked
11 February 2016
Карпати, Дельта, Минск, Їжак Юпитер-3 не рахую так як купив поламаний і десь за тиждень віддав ))) Зараз більше на машині катаюсь, хоча маю також скутер (японець).
2 May 2019
Всем добрый день !!!Первый мопед нам подарили , а второй по честям собрали .Движок у хохла отработали(он досихпор простить не может) ну а рама была ,гонял весь двор пол дня чинишь 1 час ездиешь или 2толкаешь 1ездиешь вот веселуха была столько приключений .
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