Abandoned military medical warehouses (47 photos)

20 July 2012

Not far from Kostroma there are abandoned military storage bases. Obviously, the territory has been exploited by the military for various purposes since the 60s of the last century. The last purpose is to store equipment, equipment and materials for medical troops.

A vast territory on which, at different times, most likely there were ground-based missile positions, mine structures, underground storage facilities, bunkers and shelters, a training ground with trench equipment, etc. At the moment, the military has left the site, the warehouses and garages are empty. In addition to the above, the site includes: barracks, a guardhouse and utility buildings, a boiler room and an operating electrical substation. The approximate time of cessation of operation is 2010 (judging by the discharge marks).

Most likely, the object has been removed from the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense and is now being actively sawed by civilians.

Parts of equipment remain on the premises. Metal elements are neatly stacked and prepared for removal.

All warehouses have been opened, some are completely emptied.

There are several semi-underground rooms on the territory.

The roof slabs have already been removed from the barracks. Perhaps they are now useful in Kostroma new buildings.

The barracks with the watchtower look very interesting.

The place for unloading and loading weapons is empty today.

There is no access to most of the warehouses that have already been vacated; the slabs have been removed.

The warehouses are empty inside.

There is some inventory left here and there.

And shelving.

Despite the seals on some doors, all rooms were opened in different ways.

Some of the inventory in warehouses is already obsolete by the time it closes, and does not arouse any interest even among sawyers.

Nobody needs empty boxes.

And honey. no books needed.

And plasma replacement fluid.

And a rope.

But once upon a time everything worked.

And now it's abandoned.

If everything is clear with most of the contents in warehouses, then unknown powders raise suspicion.

There is a beautiful forest around the area. I wonder if the military specifically chooses such places?

1 comment
20 July 2012
2 677 comments
Жесть, 2 года назад все цело было.
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