TV antenna made from beer cans (7 photos)

13 March 2012

Very often a situation arises when a standard television antenna does not receive broadcast channels well. This can happen at a picnic, at a dacha, in a rural estate. And in a city apartment, especially in old houses, reception is not always ideal due to a mismatch between the load and the common antenna in the house.

Meanwhile, even the laziest person who doesn’t understand anything about technology can make a real TV antenna in 10 minutes, literally from garbage, the quality of which is comparable to industrial designs. It happens that it works even better than a purchased one - it catches more channels and provides higher picture quality. This is all the more surprising since the antenna consists of nothing more than... empty beer cans.

Tools and materials:

• two empty beer cans
• tape or tape
• two self-tapping screws
• antenna cable
• plug
• stick
• screwdriver

Step 1

The cans are taped to the stick with tape or tape.

Step 2

Self-tapping screws are screwed into the cans, and the ends of the cable are stripped and screwed to the screws.

Step 3

The cable is tied to a stick with tape or tape for strength.
The antenna is ready!

You can use a wooden hanger instead of a stick, then the antenna can be hung somewhere.

For high-quality reception, it is advisable to select the distance between the banks experimentally, but on average it is about 70 mm.
If the opener tabs are not torn off the cans, then the antenna cable can be attached directly to them using a screw and nut with a washer.

When installing the antenna outdoors, it will be exposed to various atmospheric factors such as rain, snow, wind, etc. In this case, to give rigidity and tightness to the entire structure, both cans can be placed in a large plastic beer bottle, having previously cut off its bottom and neck. For the cable, you need to pierce a hole in the middle of the resulting cylinder, which, after connecting, needs to be scalded with hot water. The plastic of the bottle is deformed and seals the hole.

It should be noted that the scope for creativity in the field of amateur antenna construction is almost limitless. The photographs below prove this.

Improved multi-section antenna

This is a long-known design, it was also made from pea cans

Perhaps cans of different types of beer receive the signal differently. We invite readers to find out this question for themselves by first tasting the contents of the cans (just kidding, of course)! Happy creativity!

1 comment
25 March 2012
Ну теперь осталось бочку испробовать!
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