russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 31

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
1 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Russia added Hungary to the list of "unfriendly countries", you can breathe now)

According to the Russian Ambassador to Hungary, the reason for this decision is that Budapest has signed anti-Russian sanctions.

In the meantime, just a lion with Ukrainian emblems

- Killed MI-35M near Kharkiv - March 2023

- PMC "Wagner" has lost a significant amount of manpower, — ISW.

Analysts note ( that the occupiers have significantly reduced the pace of the offensive in Bakhmut, and the losses will deter Russian offensive operations and in other directions.

"After the battles in the area of Bakhmut, 30,000 Russian soldiers and Wagnerites were killed or wounded," said a senior military adviser to the British delegation to the OSCE.

- "Delay me if against the war", — Lev Sokolov, a resident of Ryazan, went to a picket on Victory Square with such a poster ... and was detained.

- After the arrest of a Wall Street Journal journalist in Yekaterinburg, the Biden administration advises American citizens to urgently leave Russia

- Russian cadets of the Aviation Institute could not complete their studies due to the lack of parts for aircraft.

Immediately seen as the sanctions do not work.

- Lukashenka's security forces accidentally leaked the movement of the S-400 air defense system, — Belarusian Guyun.

On the photo — two S-400 air defense systems, which are located on the runway of the Gomel airport. Thus, they confirmed that yesterday the An-124 Ruslan aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces brought to Belarus not only missiles, but also launchers of the S-400 air defense system.

- 2000 chmobics with a shovel are capable of destroying a Leopard 2 tank.

Shiz at the Russian "experts" grows stronger.

- Now there is a real risk of the outbreak of the Third World War – this is not an exaggeration, — Orban.

"Despite the growing brutality of the war, the number of European leaders advocating a ceasefire is not growing. ( Instead, more and more resources are being provided to Ukraine", — said the Prime Minister of Hungary.

- Ukraine in the near future will not be able to oust the troops of the Russian Federation and return all its territories, — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Armed Forces.

“I don't think it will be done anytime soon this year. I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just saying it's a very difficult task," — said General Mark Milley.

- Oh, what happened?..

- A Russian convicted of murder and recruited into the Wagner PMC returned from the war and killed a man again

- Ossetian Vladimir Zagalov was fined for an anti-war action in Tbilisi. Employees of the "E" center found his photos from the anti-war rally on VKontakte. Zagalov himself emigrated long ago.

- Meanwhile, "Superpower" forces schoolchildren to collect tin cans to heat the "second army of the world"

The next step — fold to put on the roof of the pveo? Well, instead of curtains

- Checkmate, Russians. In the "Gosuslugi" disabled the account deletion button, now wait for the electronic subpoenas

▪️This is happening against the background of the plans of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to invite new recruits to the military registration and enlistment offices online. Those, of course, wanted to delete their accounts, but ... it's too late, Vanka, to drink "Borjomi"

▪️As "reassured in "tech support", now you can delete an account only "through a personal appeal" to give an "invitation" live, so to speak

In short, "sector prize on the drum", in other words — you were firmly grabbed by the f @ pku

- Tin. In Buryatia, the actor opened his veins during a performance in order to return the artistic director who was fired for his anti-war position

▪️During the year, the artist was pressured and tried to be fired for the fact that he himself opposed the war and tried to return the leader, who was driven from work for the same reason. The actor took the stage and told the full audience about it. After that, he cut his veins with a clerical knife. Now he is in the hospital

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- Schoolchildren in Kursk began to distribute questionnaires, asking if any of their relatives served, how the family relates to "SVO" and also if they know anyone in Ukraine

Cunningly, freshly, firmly

- Democracy strikes back at the Republic. ironic (s)

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Or I'll write a couple. Of course, I understand everything, but from the outside it looks a little strange. Shizo is now their hallmark? Why did they choose an instrument of punishment as their symbol? To remind your followers what will happen if they go against the system?

- An attempt to destroy Ukraine was existential for two dictators

- Free Internet, in free Russia.

- Cemetery of the remnants of Russian missiles in Kharkov. All of them were launched by rashists into a peaceful city out of great but unrequited love.

- Will they fight until they start eating margarine instead of butter?

- New York grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump over his role in paying pornstar silence money

- Hungarians no longer admire?

- Author Alyosha Stupin

- The former editor-in-chief of the Prigogine media left for Spain. She was given a visa despite the sanctions

Ksenia Parfenova headed the editorial board of the publication "Politics Today" from autumn 2022. This media is part of the Patriot media group. Yevgeny Prigozhin, who fell under EU sanctions. In March, the girl wrote a letter of resignation and left for Spain, which she told about on her social networks. On the Patriot website she is still listed as a member of the coordinating council of the media group.

Ksenia Parfenova has been working in Yevgeny Prigozhin’s structures since 2014: she started at the “troll factory”; in Olgino, and then moved to the position of managing editor at Politika Segodnya. According to a former employee of the holding, Ksenia was not enthusiastic about the work. “But in the “factory” they justify themselves by the fact that it’s like that everywhere. That all journalism is like this, — explains the interlocutor of the Rotunda. — When the Golunov task came — write that he is a drug addict, and that all opposition journalists should be checked, she said that she would not do this. But just in case, there is always someone else who will write.

Parfenova met the beginning of 2022 in Turkey: “Under this bright photo from sunny Istanbul, I want to saythat I love my country and hate the state, », — wrote at that time the editor-in-chief of the patriotic media.

Parfenova headed the editorial board of "Politics Today" immediately after the start of mobilization, when the previous editor-in-chief, according to the sources of the Rotunda, urgently left for Kazakhstan.

The site published materials where the President of Ukraine Zelensky was called a "stupid former clown with no real power"; and "locust devouring the European Union."

"In the early autumn of 2022, a picture came to my mind out of nowhere: I’m sitting like this on the beach in Barcelona in an orange-orange sweatshirt with curls (at that time I didn’t have orange in my wardrobe, hair on my head for curls — too, no visa, no money for Barcelona)», — talks in social networks Ksenia Parfenova about that period of her life.

In mid-February 2023, the girl applied for a Spanish student Schengen, submitting a certificate of employment. According to Ksenia, when on February 25 the European Union imposed sanctions against the Patriot group, she already "mentally said goodbye to the" picture ". “But on March 1, they invited me for a passport. Unbelievable, but they did!

Now the girl is in Barcelona and, in her own words, does not plan to return to Russia yet. “I want to learn Spanish relaxation and enjoy life near the sea,” — she confesses.

Journalist of the Rotunda turned to Ksenia Parfenova with a request for an interview, but was refused: “Please understand me correctly, but I would like to pause any relationship with the media.”

- On this day, 134 years ago, the Eiffel Tower was opened

- The mother of Masha Moskaleva, who said that she would "not quit" daughter, she asked to be sent to an orphanage

- Ordinary braces, diverge

- Bulbashesku already smelled the smell of the approaching northern forest animal.

- VK something is fighting in the wrong direction

- Anniversary of the liberation of Bucha: Russians killed more than 1400 Ukrainians in Bucha — Zelensky

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made a statement on the anniversary of the liberation of the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region from Russian occupiers. According to him, during the 33 days of occupation, the Russians killed more than 1,400 Ukrainians there, including 37 children.

"More than 175 people were found in mass graves and torture chambers, — writes Zelensky. — 9,000 Russian war crimes. 365 days, as it is a free Ukrainian city again. A symbol of the atrocities of the army of the occupying country. We will never forgive. We will punish all the culprits."

- How prettier NATO is under Putin

- The agenda through the State Services will be equated to the personal delivery of — State Duma Deputy Yuri Shvytkin. Deleting a profile on the site or the application itself will be considered evasion of the service.

The system for alerting Russians in electronic form about conscription for military service was created in order to reduce the percentage of evaders, since they will be equated with personal delivery. Yuri Shvytkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, spoke about this in an interview with URA.RU.

«That was just one of the goals — minimize the percentage of evaders. If [the agenda] came through the State Services, it must be carried out. Handing in electronic form is the same as handing in person, — Yuri Shvytkin explained.

The State Duma deputy emphasized that deleting a profile or the application itself on the State Services portal in order not to receive a subpoena in electronic form will be considered evasion from military service. “[Certificates] against evasion will be issued [if a person has removed the State Services]. But here it will be necessary to prove, of course. In each case, it will be necessary to deal with it individually, », — Shvytkin added.

Earlier, Rear Admiral Vladimir Tsimlyansky, Chief of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, said that from April 1, during the spring conscription campaign, citizens will be notifiedcome electronically. If there is no technical possibility for this, summons will be handed over to conscripts traditionally in person. According to Tsimlyansky, the department took into account the experience when, during the partial mobilization of 2022, Russians independently expressed their desire to join volunteer detachments through the State Services portal.

I'm translating for stupid Russians, come and die, otherwise you'll be fined!

- Sculpture "Zmієborets", the author's work of the sculptor Vyacheslav Fedorchenko.

- Nothing new though

- the face of Prigozhin and Girkin presented?

- And no matter how many arrivals, no matter how many bombarded us and the sounds of sirens driven into the basements, we will restore everything, and first of all, normal life

- Welcome back. CCCP 2.0

- Indeed, why...

My options:

They know how to make wiring for sockets.

Ikea has better furniture.

- Nuclear collar

- There will soon be no things left in the world that do not discredit their "army", the "army" of soybean sissies, not otherwise. The world has never seen such a discredited "army".

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