russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 25

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
26 October 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In Russia, the influence of the head of PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin is rapidly growing. So much so that his military structure in the future could threaten the Putin regime — ISW

It means that not only we noticed this, the Institute for the Study of War also hints that Prigozhin is aiming for the throne…

- Girkin-Strelkov began the formation of a volunteer detachment

According to rumors, he is going to fight under the flag of Prigozhin PMC. And how is that? At first he said that Prigozhin would be killed, and then fight for him?

- Rogozin said that in the zone of the special operation he took the call sign "Cosmos"


- From today, the Czech Republic closes entry to Russians for tourist Schengen visas

First went...

- "Wagnerites" massively recruit prisoners, patients with HIV and hepatitis

Russian PMC "Wagner" began to massively recruit inmates of Russian prisons suffering from serious infectious diseases, in particular HIV and hepatitis C.

Such sick «fighters» Russians celebrate with suitable bracelets on their hands.

The phenomenon has already become widespread. So, only from one correctional colony No. 5 in the village of Metallostroy, Leningrad Region, was “mobilized” more than a hundred prisoners with confirmed HIV or hepatitis C.

- You will not believe it, but the soldiers of the second army of the world live like homeless people. These photos were taken on Russian positions even before the announcement of mobilization, when all resources were already exhausted.

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- The United States is considering the possibility of supplying HAWK air defense systems to Ukraine, Reuters writes, citing information from US officials.

HAWK will help fight Iranian drones.

- It smells of danger: Energoatom reports that Russia's statements about the creation of a "dirty bomb" may indicate that it is preparing a nuclear terrorist attack in the ZNPP area. Over the past week, the occupiers have been carrying out construction work on the territory of the dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel. 174 containers are stored there, the destruction of which will lead to a radiation accident and radiation contamination of the surrounding area.

- The Hymars don't rest

- Ukrainians who are now abroad should not return home until spring. "I will ask you not to return, we need to survive the winter. Unfortunately, the nets will not last, you see what Russia is doing. If possible – stay abroad for the winter", — said the Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Irina Vereshchuk.

- The work of our air defense

- Residents of Shchebekino, Belgorod region, continue to receive messages that nothing is happening

- Assistant Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Medvedev Alexey Pavlov said that hundreds of totalitarian sects have formed in Ukraine

According to Pavlov, Ukraine has turned into a "totalitarian hypersect", where citizens have abandoned Orthodox values, and therefore "desatanization" must be carried out.

Demilitarization has already failed, now we need de-Satanization? Maybe it's time to dedebilitate the Russian authorities?

- In the Czech Republic, an unknown person turned the pedestal of the monument to the Red Army soldiers into a washing machine

Beautiful installation...

- Don't panic, just prepare shelters

In Russia, after Moscow and the border settlements, the preparation of bomb shelters was started in Omsk, which is located several thousand kilometers from Ukraine...

- Bolvan Spermousov in his own style: allegedly posing against the background of the destroyed BMP-2 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Only the idiot didn't notice the burnt letter "V" on the BMP

- #losses of invaders as of 10/25/2022

+480 dead RF Armed Forces

Lieutenant Ilya Prokopenkov

Senior Lieutenant OMON Valery Fadeev

Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Filin

Lieutenant Alexander Bovdui

Lieutenant Vladislav Temgenevsky

Police Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Zhidko

Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Mikhailov

Colonel Anatoly Molodnichenko

Major Kovalev Maxim

Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Khudik

Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Strelchenko

- In Iran, the colonel of the IRGC, who was responsible for the supply of drones to the Russian Federation, was eliminated

IRGC Officer, Colonel Molashakhi and Basij Commander Javad Kiha killed in the car. They are also accused of brutally suppressing protests in Iran over the past 15 years.

- Ethnic Armenian and propagandist Margarita Simonyan banned from entering Armenia

We warned you: propaganda harms your health

- Well, everything is right, I took a selfie and went home

- Judging by the news of the Russian media, the inhabitants of the swamps are being prepared for a life without meat.

- In case of undermining Kakhovskaya HPP by orcs, Crimea will be left without water supply for 10-15 years, and maybe forever. This statement was made by NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov in an interview with Sky TV channel.

- Mobik got drunk from the rashka and... died. A resident of Tyva used alcoholic beverages in Siberia, but something went wrong, and he died right in the preparation.

- Russia requested a meeting of the UN Security Council on "biological laboratories" in Ukraine

- Israel conducted an examination and found out that the Russian UAVs "Geran-2" and Iranian Shahed-136 are identical. The President of Israel will present the results to Biden.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine control all bridges across the Dnieper in Kherson, the invaders will not be able to leave the city, – Reznikov. The Minister of Defense of Ukraine said that it would be difficult for the invaders to conduct street battles, since there would be no escape routes from the city.

- Katsap shit is not served. This is what Monobank customers will see if they want to replenish the card from the accounts of Russian banks, or through the Mir payment system.

- Rusnya is baptized right at the positions — in a body bag. Archpriest Viktor Ivanov from Ufa says that the "warriors" did not even have a basin, so he took a black bag.

- So, the concept has changed. We are no longer Nazis, we are now Satanists. Don't confuse

26 October 2022
6 027 comments
Бл@т воююет Элита (Маньяки,Вич,Алкоголики) Это писдец говорит о только о том что Здоровые уже закончились. А коссмос уже не тот,постарел и поправился. Но все также отстаеться тупым наркоманом smiling_imp
27 October 2022
Больше всего поражают священники у орков....
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