russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 October 2022

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. Armed Forces fight back the enemy

- There was a photo from the Belgorod training ground, where yesterday some volunteers shot others

- Iran is going to transfer to the Russian Federation ballistic missiles "Fateh-110" and "Zolfagar", capable of hitting targets at a distance of 300 and 700 kilometers

According to American intelligence, the first batch is already being prepared at Iranian factories.

- GUR announced $100,000 for captured terrorist Girkin

The hunt has begun, we really need his testimony on the downed Boeing

- A film about the Second World War is being shot in Warsaw. The letter "V" was placed in the center of the square

Please don't show this to Z-channels.

“The PRC seeks peaceful reunification with Taiwan, but does not give up the military option to resolve the issue,” Xi Jinping said at the opening of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China.

- Russia will fall apart. Why? Yes, because all the inhabitants of the regions have separate thinking. In the Belgorod region, mobiki staged a mass execution, and the head of the region comments that "among the dead and injured there are no residents of the region."

- Another country that can easily deceive. Iran says it is not supplying Russia with kamikaze drones - CNN. According to Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahiyani, his country has not supplied weapons to any country.

- Chervone

Kherson region

- Ukrainian DIY: How to assemble a cumulative grenade from a wog and water pipes to drop from a drone with your own hands

- PzH2000 repaired in Lithuania are returning to the battlefield in Ukraine

- In Moscow, underground parking lots have begun to be equipped as bomb shelters: beds, heaters and first aid kits are being prepared

This is what dog feces bins look like in the UK

- We somehow missed the moment when Buryatia became a member of the European Union

- A Russian who came for a passport was handed a summons

Don't leave the house, don't make a mistake

- A man from Russia wrote a good guide on how to behave during raids, when cops and others try to illegally hand you a summons to the draft board.

- Crimean mobilized complained about bulletproof vests with holes

The military, who will soon be sent to the Kherson region, was provided with bulletproof vests with holes and damage.

Such a situation, for example, in the 810 separate guards brighell.

Now the main thing is not to catch friendly fire, the tape is not the right color, after all.

- Ζ-prayer, now you've seen everything

- The invaders began the evacuation of "state institutions" from the Kherson region to the annexed Crimea, said the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Employees, bank property and a pension fund are being taken to the peninsula.

The main thing is that there is no panic

- #loss of invaders as of 16.10

+ 300 dead RF Armed Forces:

reserve captain Evgeny Antonov

Major 98 Airborne Forces Mayboroda Gleb

Captain Evgeny Tarasov

Senior Lieutenant Andrey Butorin

senior lieutenant Denis Pechenov

Lieutenant Nikolai Danilchenko

- Domobilized

- Staples left the chat: Shoigu's illegitimate daughter was found to have Lithuanian citizenship, LRT reports. According to the publication, the girl received citizenship in 2019. This became possible due to the fact that Shoigu's former mistress Elena Shebunova married a citizen of Lithuania, and he recognized Shoigu's daughter as his own.

- Russia removes the storage of old aircraft. MiG-29s in storage were removed from the Millerovo airfield, analysts say, based on satellite images.

Until that moment, Russia had not used the MiG-29 in the war against Ukraine, but the loss of modern aircraft forced the rashists to take on the wing everything that flies.

- Do you want to live? You want. Russia has blocked the site "I want to live" through which the Russians can surrender.

- The stakes are still rising

- Decision Center

- I wonder what they will be called after the war? Ukrainians?

Something seems to me in a year, people will hide by hook or by crook that they fought in Ukraine. And the absence of legs is explained by an accident at a construction site.

- We hope to hear

- Relatives of the mobilized residents of the Bryansk Fokino turned to Putin with a demand to return their loved ones to Russia. According to the women, the mobilized were threatened, and the foremen robbed them, taking away their uniforms.

- Workplace of Hymars operators

- MAZ-537 for transporting tanks (Donetsk People's Republic)

- Photo from the occupied Mariupol.

- Photo report of the Russian agency RIA Novosti.

In the photo, a Wagner intelligence fighter. What does the Russian intelligence elite use during the war? "Atlas of highways of the USSR".

Guest макс
Guest макс
18 October 2022
Ору с админа Невседома, половина постов не откывается . Уже даже спижженые посты впадло на русский переводить,а там где переведено - куча орфографических ошибок .
18 October 2022
2 777 comments
Guest макс,
Мы писали, у нас не хватает рук, вместо того чтобы "орать", займитесь поправкой орфографии. Например выделяете ошибку, после жмете Cntrl+Enter и отправляете нам уведомление. Можете лично заняться переоводом.

Какие у Вас посты не открываются?

п.с. посты в оригинале на русском языке, как их можно на русский переводить?
п.с.с. мы никогда не писали, что это наши посты и мы их сидим тут клепаем.
18 October 2022
Guest макс,
Че ты там орёшь? Сделай лучше, клоун
18 October 2022
6 026 comments
Не все видео открываються, а так в целом сайт работает нормально. Cпасибо вам за работу
18 October 2022
2 777 comments
Можно ссылки на видео, которые не работают, буду очень благодарен.
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