A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Release 99

28 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Conducted reconnaissance with a drone

Work su 25

ZSU reconnaissance group on the eastern sector of the front

They opened up the viper

Romanian fighters with Polish accents test the Wagner line

The result of the work of the SBU sniper group

m113 time and place not specified

A railway pontoon bridge across the Oskol River, broken by a HIMARS blow

Which the occupiers built at the end of June and used to supply their troops in Kupyansk and Izyum.

Russia is upset, the drone numbers are not visible in the video

The separatists fled and left our fighters with a whole arsenal of weapons and ammunition

It was broken there, it was stolen there, the store was looted

Three-pointer on the occupiers

Captured ATGM "Kornet" creates smoke

Ukraine received SmartShooter systems from Israel to intercept Iranian drones

Ukrainians clean trenches from cockroaches

Full video

Destroying a house with orcs

Destruction of orcs in Bakhmut, suitable soundtrack

A fuel tanker was destroyed

A column of invaders was destroyed

The equipment of the invaders was destroyed

Photo zone of damaged equipment

Khaimarsi continue their work

Emotions when hit

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