What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 145

7 February 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

Long forgotten things from the past evoke mixed feelings: from surprise to delight (of course, if we are not talking about a forgotten apple in the pocket of an old backpack). For example, finding a banknote in a jacket that has hung in the closet for a year is nice. However, some finds can deliver even more pleasure and even cause a feeling of nostalgia.

This is exactly what the heroes of our selection faced — ordinary people who found long-forgotten or lost items in the secret corners of their apartments.

I found this unopened can of peas from 1928

Don't open it. Hold on for another 6 years! Will reach the century!

Found 4 unopened packs of Pokemon cards from 1999

It's really a real treasure! Carry someone!

A foreigner found a bottle of vodka from the USSR in his grandparents' house

Sorting through old stocks, we found a food ration of the 85th year, sort of like for astronauts

The food is older than me, but it looks very appetizing. I would like to try.

We found this 1969 dollar bill in my father's small money collection with the serial number 00000001

I found a book 317 years ago

I found it on a bookshelf in my second cousin's house, he has quite a few old books, but this one is by far the oldest.

I found such matches in an old apartment

Such boxes appeared as in the starting photo around 86-87. Matches in them were the most common. Such a box cost 36 kopecks.

Found a first aid kit 1983 release

These are the tickets for the 1972 Olympics in Munich

My dad found a 1970 Pepsi can while he was unclogging a pipe

Greetings from the nineties

Medal for the victory in the First World War of my great-grandfather

My father has an unopened bottle of Coke from the 1981 Clemson Nationals

1996 Loony Tunes branded floppy disk

My husband still has his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Christmas decoration. 1990 — complete with box

Decorative "jars for spices" 50s, owned by my grandmother

And my grandmother has an excellent sense of humor!

A deck of Qantas Airway round playing cards, circa 1970s

Found this radio from 1970 in my wife's junk that had been stored in the basement for a long time

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