What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 140

10 January 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

I found this thing in my basement. I have no idea what it is

It looks like the base of a winder for winding yarn. Initially, Toyota was engaged in the production of looms.

Saw in a box for old tools

Disposable flashes for a film camera. They were used in the seventies of the last century.

What is this strange piece of furniture?

This is a rack for newspapers and magazines.

Metal flat object

This is an antique letter opener.

Found in an old working warehouse

This is a handle attachment for an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Remained from the former owners of the house. Looks like it's meant to hold something

It looks like a hair dryer holder. But it is not clear why the previous owners chose such a strange place for this.

Saw in a box with kitchen utensils from my grandmother

This is to cut the bread.

What is this rainbow stripe on cardboard boxes?

This is some kind of printing check. If one of the colors is missing or the color is incorrect, the entire print fails quality control.

I inherited this 10 years ago and just found out it opens

This is a perfume bottle.

My grandmother gets rid of a pile of old silverware. I wonder what it is?

This is a bucket for sugar.

I found this at an old factory

The chimney was cleaned with this thing.

Inherited from a Chinese relative

The dispenser for cigarettes.

What kind of mount is on the shower wall in a hotel? It looks too wide to hold soap.

This is a soap dish and sponge holder.

Found in the basement of an old house

This is a brass strap for horses, they used to be hung for decoration.

What is it?

This is a conductor's baton.

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