Oil platforms (14 photos)

30 November 2010

An oil platform is a complex engineering complex designed for drilling wells and extracting hydrocarbons lying under the bottom of the sea, ocean or other body of water. Below the cut are photographs of working and dying oil platforms.

Hurricane Dennis in July 2005 caused significant damage to BP's operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster caused serious damage to the Thunder Horse oil platform, one of the largest in the world, built by BP together with ExxonMobil.

As a result of the hurricane, the platform tilted 30°; the cost of its restoration amounted to about $100 million.

Types of oil platforms.

A P-51 oil rig of Brazilian oil giant Petrobras in Angra dos reis. This platform is the first semi-submersible (floating industrial installation) to be built in Brazil.

Fire on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform was an accident that occurred on April 20, 2010, 80 kilometers off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico and over time grew into a man-made disaster, first on a local, then on a regional scale, with negative consequences for the region’s ecosystem for many decades to come.

One of the largest man-made disasters in world history in terms of negative impact on the environmental situation. Currently recognized as the largest oil spill into the open ocean in US history, and probably in world history.

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