The most expensive dog in the world was sold at auction for 5 million dollars (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 09:08

The puppy was born in the US and moved to India.

The first of its kind, this dog is a cross between a real wolf and a Caucasian shepherd.

An Indian dog lover paid big money for a "wolfhound" named Kadabomb Okami, who is said to be the rarest dog in the world.

This extravagant puppy was born in the USA, is only eight months old, but already weighs over 75 kg and is 76 cm tall.

While part shepherd, Okami is a guard dog at heart, known for its protective instincts and intelligence that "should never be taken lightly." So Okami would be a good watchdog.

The gorgeous puppy was sold in February to 51-year-old Satish from Bangalore, the capital of the southern Indian state of Karnataka. The man has more than 150 different breeds of dogs.

"I spent 500 million rupees (£4.4 million/$5 million+) on this puppy because I love dogs and I like having unique dogs and introducing them to India," Satish said.

Okami's arrival in India has certainly created quite a stir. One video of him on the red carpet at a movie premiere that Satish brought him to has garnered 3 million views online, the breeder claims.

The enthusiast stopped breeding dogs about a decade ago, but now makes money by showing off his star dogs to adoring crowds, earning anywhere from $2,800 for 30 minutes to $11,700 for five hours.

"I spent money on these dogs because they are rare. Also, I get enough money because people are always interested in looking at them," Satish explains. "They take selfies and pictures. The dog and I attract more attention than an actor at a movie, we both attract a crowd."

Satish is also the owner of a rare Chow Chow, a breed resembling the Chinese red and white panda, which he bought last year for about $3.25 million.

Luckily, all of these dogs are well cared for – they live on a 2.8-hectare farm where each of them has a 6m x 6m room that serves as their kennel.

"They have plenty of space to walk and run around. They are looked after by six people," says the owner. "They don't need air conditioning because it's cold in the city, but they are well looked after."

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