5 most important resources that may run out this century (9 photos)

Yesterday, 09:09

And what to do when they are gone is a big question.

There are plenty of screamers and alarmists in the world. Each of them claims that oil/gas/other resources will soon run out... and first humanity will clash in a global conflict for the remains. And then it will happily die.

They have been talking about this for about 100 years. All this time, the planet's population has been growing, and resources are not running out.

But there is something critically important - in a few decades it really may disappear.


The second most common chemical element in the Universe, but quite rare on Earth. It is used to develop high-precision technology and medicine, and is extracted from natural gas fields in Qatar, Algeria, and the United States. The total volume is about 175 million cubic meters annually.

The explored deposits of this stuff will last for 50 years under the most optimistic scenario. What to do next is unclear.


It is also silicon dioxide: it is found in toothpastes, medicines and a bunch of other things. It is also used in construction - but only the one that is extracted from rivers, lakes and seas. Water grinds these grains of sand so that they form sharp edges, they adhere better and the strongest concrete is obtained. But ordinary sand from the desert is not suitable here: its grains are rounded and concrete from them crumbles, even if special additives are used to strengthen the material.

Currently, 50 billion tons of sand are mined in the world every year. And this is a very valuable resource - in China, Indonesia, South America and Kenya there are even organized crime groups that steal sand and sell it illegally. But even with this crime, there is still enough of it for everyone. And by the end of the 21st century it will run out and then we will have to build skyscrapers out of clay and sticks.


One of the most common elements on the planet, it is mined from apatites and phosphorites. It is mainly used in the production of fertilizers, and the provision of food to humanity already depends on them. Without chemical fertilizers, many will soon have nothing to eat.

Explored phosphorus deposits will run out within 20-30 years, so scientists think about this first and foremost. And they are already proposing to extract it from human remains and feces.


The world's oceans cover 70% of the planet. But about 3.5 billion people lack clean drinking water - in the future, its deficit will only increase.

Rare earth metals

Tell me, have any of you heard about them 3 months ago? And now they are trumpeting about them on every corner and calling them the most important resource of the century. What is this anyway?

These are metals found in the earth's crust in tiny quantities. To dig them out, you have to process mountains of rock. That's why they are expensive, but very important - they are used in electronics, cars, medicine, chemical and nuclear industries, and other areas. In short, where there is modern science and technology, there is a need for rare earth metals. They include 15 metals of the lanthanide group: samarium, lanthanum, thulium, cerium, gadolinium, ytterbium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, lutetium, neodymium, praseodymium, promethium and europium. Scandium and yttrium are also there. They will last for 50 years, and the production of electronics is only growing. Therefore, they will be even more necessary than phosphorus and even water.

How to fully replenish these resources - no one knows. And their deficit will be already in this century, most of us will live to see it. So the future will be interesting.

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