An American almost lost his penis because of baldness pills (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
15 March 2025

I like reading the annotations to the pills. The plot is interesting and the variety of endings is impressive. But the 26-year-old American did not read the papers in the box with wheels, and did not consult a doctor. And, as it turned out in practice, he should not have done so.

It is sad, of course, to watch the hair leave your head, especially if you are not yet 30 years old. Mark Millich could not stand such betrayal on their part and went into the depths of the Internet to find a solution to this problem. He read all sorts of things and began self-medicating.

It would be fine if he started rinsing the remaining strands with chamomile infusion, or rubbing onion juice into his head, but no, he decided to take the drug route. He ordered himself wheels for $22 a box, did not consult with doctors, did not read about side effects.

After six months of taking finasteride, he began to feel dizzy, tired, cold sweat, and his speech became slurred. Realizing that things were going badly, the guy stopped taking the questionable pills, but soon after, he began to experience even more serious side effects. His libido plummeted, and his genitals shrank and changed shape. At least they didn't fall off completely.

Having decided that things weren't going to go this way, the former sergeant decided that things weren't going to go this way, and told the local media about his tragedy. He didn't show his crooked dick, and thank goodness for that. Naturally, journalists couldn't pass by, and so the story of a guy who became practically impotent in pursuit of his hair has spread around the world. Now you know about it, my condolences.

The company that makes these pills said that yes, there is such a side effect, it is known. However, before taking the pills, patients must undergo a comprehensive examination, and only a doctor can decide whether a person should take them at all. Finasteride (the generic name for the drug "Propecia") is recommended by doctors for cases of baldness in men to improve hair growth and increase their number over time.

In some cases, including Millich's case, side effects persist even after stopping the drug. This is known as post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) and can include long-term sexual dysfunction, depression, and cognitive problems.

Advertisement for the very pills that Mark took.


Men have increasingly been faced with the problem of early baldness in recent years. According to a report by Epic Research, as of 2024, more than 2.6 million Americans are taking a hair loss drug, which is 200 percent more than in the past seven years.

Not bald, but aerodynamic.

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