16 dogs that are afraid of strange and funny things (17 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 21:38

Your dog may be a brave and strong protector, but at some point it may suddenly turn out that he is afraid of zucchini, kittens, parrots, and there is no need to even talk about thunderstorms and vacuum cleaners.

My dog ​​is scared of the fire alarm

To ride safely in the car, the dog needs to hold me by the hand

A scary green monster attacks a squad of corgis

Well, okay, you'd be scared of a vegetable that's bigger than you, too!

My dog ​​is afraid of the rain and pretends that we haven't arrived yet

There's nowhere to hide from these little thugs

No, I wasn't scared of this at all dogs

I just suddenly really wanted to hug!

My sister introduces her kitten to my dog

Guess who's terrified of the vacuum cleaner here

When you suddenly become a father, at first it's scares

Our dog is scared when thunder rumbles

It took me 20 minutes to find where he was hiding.

And another dog that is scared by thunder

After this incident, my husband said that our dog is a bit cowardly

But he is wrong! That little dog behind the scenes was really very scary.

And here, anyone would be scared

This is what my dog ​​looks like when I take out the vacuum cleaner

Getting a parrot was too bold solution

Help, she's gonna eat me now!

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