A tattooed woman removed her nose and keeps it in a jar (4 photos)
In just four years, Toxie Danielle has done work on her body that many have found shocking.
The woman's body is heavily covered in tattoos (including eyeballs), plus she has multiple piercings, horn implants on her forehead, and a forked tongue. The body modification enthusiast even cut off the tip of her nose, but she didn't throw it away and keeps the strange souvenir in a jar.
Opinions on such a transformation are very different. Especially after Toxi showed what she looked like in 2019. It is very difficult to believe that the pretty girl in the old photo is really Toxi. After such a picture, many commentators reproached the lady for ruining herself so much.
However, there were people who considered Toxi's modifications to be very cool and were certainly confident that a woman has the right to decide how she looks. The main thing is not to regret it years later.