Arkadiko Bridge - a contender for the title of the oldest bridge on the planet (8 photos + 1 video)
One of the oldest arch bridges still in use today is the Arkadiko or Kazarma Bridge, located next to the modern road from Tiryns to Epidauros in the Peloponnese in Greece.
It is believed to have been built during the Greek Bronze Age, or around 1,300 BC. Accordingly, it is one of the oldest bridges still in existence today.
The arch bridge was built using what is known as cyclopean masonry – tightly fitted limestone boulders, smaller stones and small pieces, assembled tightly together with virtually no mortar. It is 22 meters long, 5.6 meters wide and 4 meters high. At the base of the bridge is a small culvert opening about one meter wide.
The width of the roadway at the top is about 2.5 meters, which allows a modern car to pass comfortably, although the approach to the bridge is quite overgrown. Due to the style and design features, scientists believe that it was originally built for the passage of horse-drawn chariots.
The Arkadiko Bridge is one of four known Mycenaean arched bridges located near Arkadiko. All of them belong to the same Bronze Age road between two settlements. They are united by an identical appearance and the same age.
One of them is the Petrogefiri Bridge, which crosses the same stream one kilometer west of the Arkadiko Bridge. In general, it is similar in parameters, only slightly higher. The bridge continues to be used as part of a local highway.
The fifth Mycenaean bridge, also preserved in decent condition, is located in Lykotroupi in northern Argolis. It was once an element of another Mycenaean central road.
Its dimensions are close to those of the Arkadiko Bridge: 5.2 meters wide at the bottom, 2.4 meters at the top, and the span of the arch is slightly more than a meter. The road still has curbs to guide the chariots as they raced along at great speed.