Turkish fishermen captured a rare natural phenomenon - square waves (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:02

A dangerous phenomenon was observed in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey. Fishermen watched in amazement as the sea elements drew a chessboard.

Square waves, also known as cross waves, are caused by two systems of waves moving at different speeds and along different trajectories. Experienced surfers and yachtsmen know that when an unusual pattern appears on the water, you need to get to the shore immediately. In such conditions, it is difficult to navigate, they create huge waves that can reach three meters in height. This is more than enough to engulf both boats and swimmers.

There may be several reasons for the formation of square waves: different directions of current and wind, collision of storms, change in the direction of the air flow - the wind sets a new direction for the waves, and they intersect with those already formed.

According to the European Space Agency, square waves caused a significant number of shipwrecks between 1995 and 1999.

Square waves occur both near the coast and in the middle of the sea. They pose a danger to everyone in the water. Even experienced swimmers are unable to cope, and captains have difficulty trying to stabilize the vessel, and the risk of capsizing increases.

Most often, the phenomenon is observed off the coast of the island of Re in France. However, square waves can also be seen in Crimea and even on freshwater Baikal.

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