“My brother is gone, lonely old age”: how the fate of the twins from the film “The Nannies” turned out thirty years later (13 photos)

Yesterday, 18:03

The premiere of the film "Nannies" took place in 1994. The film was shot and released in the USA, but the American people were not impressed by the comedy. But despite the huge success, the fate of the actors who played the main roles is unenviable. A career in cinematography did not work out for any of them.

The main roles here were played by real brothers: David and Peter Paul. Powerful bodybuilders, who were passionate about sports from a young age.

The brothers were born in 1957. David is a minute older than Peter. Both were diligent in American football, wrestling, bodybuilding and powerlifting, and by the age of twenty they were already bench pressing 200 kilograms. In the late 1970s, the restless twins decided to conquer the world of cinema. And they went to seek happiness in distant sunny California.

We didn’t even have money for a suitcase: we simply packed our simple belongings in a tied sheet, - the brothers recalled. - And so we flew to Los Angeles.

Film producers appreciated the cheerful, muscular musclemen. True, in Hollywood the Paul brothers were immediately given one important condition - to always film together. And to certainly show off their huge muscles on camera.

Interesting fact: the Paul brothers, despite their impressive size, never did professional bodybuilding, did not participate in competitions, like Arnie. At the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia competitions, they appeared only as honored guests, awarding the winners. However, they disappeared to the gym 6-7 times a week.

The brothers made their film debut in 1983 in the film "Washington Taxi" (D.C. Cab).

And the first major roles were played by the thug brothers in the not very successful film "Barbarians" of 1987, a kind of fantasy answer to Schwarzenegger's "Conan the Barbarian".

They wanted to nominate us for the Golden Raspberry Award for the worst actors of the year for that film, - the brothers recalled - But we were not upset at all, because it was important for us to just act in films. We just wanted to be bright and attract attention to ourselves.

And so the Paul brothers boldly stepped into the world of big cinema - straight from under the bars of an ordinary provincial amateur gym.

But real success came to the Paul brothers in 1994. Together with those very "Nannies" (in the original - The Twin Sitters - Nannies-twins), where our heroes essentially played themselves: brutal humorous musclemen, as if living in the frame. The directors didn't even dare change their names!

Our heroes in the film have exactly our personalities, - the brothers joked.

Thirty years have passed since the release of the cult film. Feel like a superstar, bro, feel very old :)

It's interesting that neither of the brothers had a successful film career, I tell you. After "The Nannies" the Pauls only appeared in a couple of episodes. And then they almost forced themselves into acting, having managed to star in 12 films.

You can see them again only in a couple of run-of-the-mill films of the 2000s: "Soulless" and the thriller "White Horse Is Dead". The brothers last appeared in 2013 in the film "The Inn on the Corner of Faith Street".

And yes, although both brothers were married, both categorically did not have a successful family life, they had no children. David suffered a serious illness - according to one version, he was paralyzed for a year due to excessive use of steroids. And as a result of the divorce, his wife sued the poor guy for almost all of his significant property:

I probably spent too much time in the gym, always forgetting about my beloved. Which was the reason for the divorce. My wife took everything from me. But it doesn't matter - it's immaterial. Money and cars don't make people happy, - David, who has become a recluse, confessed in one of his rare interviews.

In 2020, all fans of "Nannies" received tragic news. There are no longer two Paul brothers... At the age of 64, David passed away in his sleep - he was found in his own home, in bed. Hugging his own dog Cowboy, who did not live even two days after his owner left.

The exact causes of the actor's death are not named anywhere. The only thing that is indicated is that these are not prohibited substances or alcohol. Most likely, heart problems, stress, and frequent worries played a role.

Left alone, Peter Paul has withdrawn into himself. He practically never leaves the house and does not give interviews. Lives half-forgotten in lonely old age.... Brother is no more...

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