16 brilliant ideas that can make our lives more convenient and environmentally friendly (17 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

Recently, an eco-friendly lifestyle has become more and more common. We all already know that it is better to reduce the number of plastic bottles and bags and that it would be better not to waste water in vain. But every day new eco-friendly solutions and ideas appear on how to help the environment - they are used by small businesses, large corporations, and ordinary people.

This confetti is made of a special material, and inside there are seeds

My school has a bike that pedals a blender!

Our playground is covered with recycled tires

This battery can be charged via micro-USB

These Japanese toilets have a sink on top - you wash your hands, and then the same water is reused

I remember seeing this in Japan about 15 years ago and thinking: "This is brilliant, soon this will appear everywhere!". Too bad I'm wrong so far.

To avoid buying extra plastic bottles, you can fill your own container with soap and shampoo here

You can plant a frying pan label in the ground and grow basil

The store gives a wooden discount coupon to everyone who does not take plastic packages

Why use fresh wood when you can build a fence out of old doors?

Edible Soup Cups to Reduce Plastic in Fast Food Restaurants

Another Eco-Friendly Confetti Idea - This Time Made From Leaves of Different Plants

Hmm, and how about a coconut sponge?

Fruits and vegetables are sold in special nets that can be composted

You can buy your own popcorn can at the nearby movie theater and bring it with you by yourself

Less stickers and labels - instead of labels, information is applied directly to vegetables

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