A Chinese Accountant Robbed a Company and Spent It All on Male Models (3 photos)

Today, 07:58

We have all long been accustomed to the fact that men usually lose their heads over the opposite sex, and women, on the contrary, are very calculating. But this Chinese young lady definitely turned out to be quite the prankster.

Initially, the 43-year-old accountant was married, but after the death of her mother, she decided that saving her marriage with a man of rather ordinary appearance no longer made sense, and became hooked on online streams of young handsome men. She showered them with donations for the opportunity to communicate privately.

The husband tolerated this for a long time, but still could not stand the competition and decided to leave his wife. After the divorce, the woman had very little money, and her salary was not enough for decent donations. In the end, she decided to leave the world of Internet dreams and plunged into the abyss of the real world of sell-out handsome men.

Don't think anything vulgar! In China, there are special establishments where men give ladies compliments and give them the attention they need for money.

But our accountant didn't have enough money to go to such "hot spots", and so she decided to take a desperate step: in 3 months, she illegally withdrew 4.5 million yuan (approximately 620 thousand dollars) from the company's turnover and happily spent it on handsome guys.

Naturally, she was detained, and now she is awaiting a court decision.

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