Boss Introduces Self-Grace Breaks for Employees (3 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 16
21 February 2025

Coffee and smoking breaks have long been a way to cope with an exhausting workday. But one boss has gone even further, trying to relieve her subordinates of “stress” and “tension.” Erika Last, owner of an adult entertainment company in Barcelona, ​​offers employees daily half-hour breaks for “self-gratification.”

The unconventional method has proven itself since 2022. Employees admitted that they feel “less aggression” and “more productive.”

It has long been proven that masturbation and intimate relationships have health benefits, including lowering blood pressure. Therefore, giving them up can be harmful to your well-being.

During a tour of the office, Last shared with The News Movement: "We have special masturbation breaks. It helps relieve stress."

The Swede also noted: "After the pandemic, I began to notice that my employees became a little irritable and worked with less energy than before. Realizing that there is only one way to make everyone happy, I set up a special room for self-gratification for them. I value my employees and know that when they feel good, we do our best work.”

“I set up a separate room in the office that we called the ‘masturbation station’ to provide a safe and comfortable place for them to take a break. This wasn’t just an attempt to make my employees feel better during these difficult times. I also wanted to do something to de-stigmatize masturbation. Sexual well-being is inextricably linked to overall mental and physical health. As such, it deserves the same attention and resources as other aspects of our lives.”

Having sex and intimacy has many health benefits. They improve heart function, reduce stress levels, and have a positive effect on the psyche.

Research shows that both men and women who have not had sex for a long time may experience a decrease in the size of their genitals. This rare condition, called penile atrophy in men and vaginal or clitoral atrophy in women, occurs when the tissues become less elastic. The genitals shrink by one to two centimeters and lose sensitivity.

There is another risk, this time for the stronger sex. A Harvard University study found that men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by a third compared to those who orgasm less than once a week. The positive effect does not depend on whether the ejaculation occurs during intercourse or as a result of masturbation.

Experts noted that since frequent ejaculation “does not cause harm,” it “should become part of a man’s healthy lifestyle.”

Women need orgasm to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles to avoid urinary incontinence.

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