Japanese Police Are Being Taught to Wear Makeup (6 photos + 1 video)

21 February 2025

The Japanese police academy now teaches not only how to investigate and catch criminals, but also an advanced beauty course. And they even hired professional consultants to teach male police officers the art of applying makeup.


The locals are already making jokes about the poor guys, and as the photos spread, the whole world is joining in, especially the Chinese.

It's never too late to start wearing makeup

In January, the Fukushimaken Keisatsugakko police academy in Fukushima opened a course for police cadets and several officers who are about to graduate. In short, the beauty roller went over everyone.

Why do police officers need it? Because a neat appearance is a sign of professionalism, as the Japanese believe. After all, police officers interact not only with criminals, but with all members of society, and they must leave a positive impression so that they are trusted.

Do they not have girlfriends or were they excused from classes?

To ensure that the makeup course meets high standards of professionalism, the academy collaborated with consultants from the famous Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido. The experts gave general makeup recommendations to the police officers, and also gave recommendations developed specifically for the cadets.

How a real cop should put on makeup

First of all, it all started with moisturizing the skin, which is a topic that almost all Asians go crazy about. The police officers were told to use sheet masks in the evenings. Well, that sounds quite normal. But then there’s more.

The second stage is applying primers and using eyebrow pencils.

The third stage is trimming the eyebrows and styling the hair.

Don't cheat on primer on the test!

Interestingly, many male cadets, unaccustomed to applying makeup, faced the problem of multiple cosmetics. Some were seen applying primer to their faces in a chaotic manner, while others looked around helplessly, seeking help from their classmates.

And what about the police themselves

Yusei Kuwabara, one of the male cadets, noted, “I’ve never worn makeup before. I believe that being a police officer requires being in the public eye, so I want to make sure that I represent my profession well.”

Or maybe they don’t have any money, and Shisedo paid them for five minutes of shame.

Traditionally, Japanese police academies have focused their training primarily on legal education and rigorous physical training. The introduction of such initiatives represents a modern improvement in their training system.

The Fukushima academy is not the only one, another police academy in Yamaguchi has also implemented a similar program. The first lesson there is how to exfoliate properly.

And these are American cops. Not a single one with makeup, but they have guns

The Chinese were most delighted by these courses. They suggest that the police blow powder into the criminal's eyes to blind him!

I understand one lesson to tell them to get their hair cut on time, to wash their face well. But to paint their eyebrows with a pencil, seriously? I would prefer to see a healthy man without makeup on a call.

Japanese police officers in formal attire are pretty good to me, without the false second eyelid

Would you trust a police officer in foundation more? I'd feel a sharp attack of anxiety...

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