A Teenager Fell in Love with His Classmate's Mother and Married Her Years Later (2 photos + 1 video)

21 February 2025

These Japanese residents recently appeared on a local TV show, astonishing viewers with their unusual love story.

The age difference between the spouses is 21 years. The husband is 32 years old, and the wife is 53 years old. Moreover, the husband fell in love with the woman when he was still a teenager. The woman, being the mother of his classmate, attended a school event and won the heart of the young man. However, he was able to confess his love to her only years later, when he grew up. At that time, the lady was divorced, but was still not inclined to accept the courtship of such a young man. The persistent young man had to spend a lot of effort, time and emotions (he cried a lot to win the heart of his beloved). The matter finally moved from dead center when the woman talked to her daughter (a former classmate of the suitor) and received support from her.

Of course, the life of the spouses who got married last summer after a long romance cannot be called easy. After all, society is not inclined to perceive such marriages positively. But the husband and wife, having overcome many difficulties, are ready to prove that true love exists.

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