A history buff has collected the world's largest collection of radios (5 photos)

21 February 2025

Anyone who wants to see the world's largest collection of radios should meet Ram Singh Buddha.

This 70-year-old Indian resident has been fascinated by history since childhood. Throughout his life, Ram collected various historical artefacts, including stamps and newspapers, but eventually settled on radios - he now owns 1,257 of them, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Ram said that many of his friends criticized him for the collection that he had been collecting for many years, considering it a waste of time and money, but the stubborn man stood his ground.

Well, now his collection is on display in a museum located in the building of Siddharth Inter College.

Even the country's Prime Minister learned about the radio collection, and praised Ram for his interest in history and his desire to preserve this history for posterity. Ram is not only proud of the recognition he received, but also dreams that one day the Prime Minister will personally visit his museum and admire the unique models of radio receivers.

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