A Woman Sued a Company for €100,000 for Being Fired with a Message with a Funny Smiley (2 photos)

21 February 2025

Before her dismissal, she worked from home because she had toxicosis and agreed to this format of work with her employer. However, a few weeks later, he changed his mind, saying that her absence from the office interfered with the fulfillment of orders and fired her.

The woman had worked in the team for less than a year and was pregnant at the time of her dismissal. The head of the company, whose name has not been released, found himself at the center of a scandal after he fired her, informing her of her dismissal in a messenger.

He added a strange phrase to the news about the dismissal: "Hope to see you soon. We still have a lot to catch up on outside of work." And put an emoji.

The woman said that before the dismissal, she worked from home because she had toxicosis and agreed on this format of work with the employer. However, a few weeks later, he changed his mind, saying that her absence from the office interfered with the fulfillment of orders.

"You knew that I was suffering from severe illness, but I still did my job. And now you're firing me?" the woman was indignant.

A British court found the dismissal unlawful and regarded the employer's actions as discrimination against pregnant women. The company was ordered to pay the woman 94,000 pounds (about 114,000 euros).

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