A parrot found abandoned kittens and brought a man to save them (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

In 2008, Josemar Milli rescued a parrot named Luru, who has been living with the man and his family ever since. Surprisingly, the bird seems to have decided to follow her owner's example...

One day, Milli noticed that Luru often spent time in a hollow fence post on his farm in Brazil.

Luru's behavior was strange to her, as she always slept at home, but for the last three nights she had been flying away. Milli went to investigate and was amazed to see Luru protecting three tiny kittens!

Millie couldn't pass by, so he took the kittens home where they could be properly cared for. After the babies were removed from the fence post, Luru continued to watch her little furry charges closely.

Later, Millie found out that the post - the place where Luru nests - was occupied by a cat! The bird was looking after the kittens after their mother abandoned them. The man suspects that it could have been the neighbor's cat.

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