Seafood Producer in Norway Loses About 27,000 Salmon (2 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

Local fishermen who catch them have been promised a reward.

Seafood company Mowi lost about 27,000 salmon at a fish farm off the coast of Norway. Now they are trying to recoup the losses at the expense of fishermen. They are offering the catchers $45 for each fish caught.

Mowi employees discovered damage to the outer ring of the cages during stormy weather. According to preliminary estimates, 27,000 salmon escaped into open waters. The average weight of the escaped fish was 5.5 kg. The company called the incident "a disaster for wild salmon" and described the situation as "serious and very unfortunate."

According to the company's management, local fishermen who have the necessary registration will be paid a reward of 500 crowns (about $20) for each salmon caught. Those who want to receive this amount must deliver the fish to special collection centers.

It is necessary to catch farmed stocks not only because of the company's financial losses, but also because of the environmental threat to wild fish. Experts believe that farmed salmon threatens the representatives of the real population. It reduces genetic diversity, increases sea lice infestation and increases competition for spawning grounds. “Science has shown that crossbreeding wild stocks with farmed salmon produces offspring that have a low long-term survival rate in the wild,” says Pål Mugaas, a spokesman for Norske Lakseelver.

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