The largest wild boar in the world, Voynik (11 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

The world's largest boar is a giant steel beast found in a French campsite.

Surrounded by mustard fields, Voynik, the world's largest boar sculpture, is a giant steel beast that is both a roadside curiosity and a symbol of the Ardennes region as a whole.

Erik Slezjak

A boar named Voynik, over 9 meters tall and almost 15 meters long, is a very unusual creature. The giant animal was created by sculptor Eric Slezjak, who created the beast in 2008. Voynik is made of steel sheets welded together on a hollow frame and weighs over 50 tons. There is even a hatch in its insides, located like an Achilles heel on the lower part of its abdomen. Remarkably, it took Slezjak over ten years to create this grandiose creation.

When the monumental masterpiece was completed, it was slowly driven to its hilltop home in a truck. Crowds from all over the area watched its proud procession, and then the large pig was permanently installed on a rotating platform, where it remains to this day.

Voynik, who got his unusual name from a combination of the surnames of Slezyak's parents, still stands guard at a rest stop near the French Autoroute A highway 34.

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