Tigress and boar become friends misfortune (1 photo + 2 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

The staff of the Pench Tiger Reserve in India rescued a young tigress and a wild boar that had fallen into the same well.

The tigress chased the wild boar until they reached the village of Hardua, located on the border of the reserve. There, the wild boar fell into the hole. The tigress did not have time to notice what had happened, and soon she too fell into the water.

The reserve staff were immediately informed about the incident. A rescue team arrived at the well with a veterinarian. At first, they thought of shooting the tigress with a tranquilizer dart, but quickly realized that, having lost consciousness, she could drown in the water. Then the rescuers lowered a folding bed into the well. They hoped that the tigress, tired of staying afloat, would simply sit on it. And that's what happened. Soon the boar climbed onto the folding bed, leaning against the tigress's back. The animals temporarily became allies in the current situation.

Afterwards, the rescuers lowered a cage into the well, lured the animals in one by one, and pulled them to the surface. Neither the boar nor the tigress were harmed. They were released into the wild.

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