15 amazing cases when foreigners suddenly found things from the past that had become history (17 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

Sometimes a simple cleaning can turn into a treasure hunt. After all, among things that can easily be classified as "old stuff", you can find real treasures that hide history. Some of them outlived their owners, some still work, despite their venerable age.

"Found a newspaper announcing Elizabeth II has become queen"

"Found an old can of 7-UP buried in my plot"

"My friend dug up this little statue in his garden"

Archaeologists at the museum said it was probably from a burial site that was made 3-4 thousand years ago. What a find!

"113 year old tin of tobacco my dad found in 150 year old house"

"Found in pocket of my grandpa's WWII jacket"

"Found a penny from 1899 while walking my dog"

"Found an old map from the 90s in a garbage dump. Noticed some tracks on it that are no longer there, and also this abandoned train station"

"Found a radio in the attic that was made in the shape of a Coca-Cola machine"

"My great-great-aunt's 100-year-old nurse's kit contains spoiled cocaine pills and syringes"

"My friend was splitting logs and found an arrowhead inside"

This is pure luck. Almost like the 8-year-old girl from Britain who barely picked up a metal detector and immediately found an axe that is approximately 3,000 years old.

"These condoms are about 60 years old (found in my basement)"

"Found this old light bulb at my grandparents' house. It was made in 1902 and it still works"

"Found an old calculator in my grandma's attic"

"My grandma saved a newspaper about America landing on the moon. Found today"

"Vintage plate with Freddie Mercury, 1980"

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