15 architectural and design solutions that are unsafe for people (16 photos)

8 February 2025

There are useful and beautiful design solutions that make life better. But not all architects care about the functionality of their creations, for some, only a beautiful picture is important. In this post, you will see questionable architectural and engineering projects, where safety of use is far from the first place.

1. Train to Machu Picchu with a balcony

2. It is important to keep course

3. The elevator is not working? There is a staircase

4. The designer drew a dangerous optical illusion

5. It is very important where you go

6. Dangerous garage

7. This is an open glass slide attached to the outside of the US Bank Tower in Los Angeles. The 13-meter length allows visitors to slide from the 70th to the 69th floor

8. A ladder for those who love danger

9. A tree house, what's here dangerous

10. Hands, feet, take care

11. These obstacles are almost invisible on the bike path

12. Bridge suicides

13. Dangerous entrance

14. And no less dangerous exit

15. Stairs are not for faint of heart

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