Until you plant a tree, you not a person – school law in the Philippines (5 photos)

8 February 2025

You know the saying, build a house, plant a tree? The Philippines has made it partly official law. And even more, in the country, everyone, regardless of gender, must plant 10 trees to move forward in life. Otherwise, there is no way for them to become an independent adult.

Female students really want a diploma

The 10 Tree Law

If you are a student, you are required to plant 10 trees before graduating from high school, college, or university. If you don't plant, you won't get a diploma. It's too early for you to be responsible for your life and be a full-fledged member of society.

This law was not created by chance. Over the past twenty years, there have been quite a few cataclysms and deforestation in the Philippines, so the country needs to restore its forests. And 10 trees per person is not much and not difficult, and there are a lot of people there, so it's a drop by drop that fills the sea.

And these are the younger students who went out to work

At the same time, you don't need to plant the seeds in advance and wait for them to grow. The forestry department gives all the seedlings to the children. The only work for children is to go to the planting strip and work there independently, often the whole class or school goes for simplicity.

But the children will be more responsible for the trees. And every year about 170 million new trees are planted in the country. Because every year 12 million students graduate from primary school, 5 million from high school, 500 thousand from colleges. If you go to the planting strip at each stage, these are the numbers that add up.

When everyone works together like this, it looks big

Within a generation, this initiative could plant at least 525 billion trees. Even with a 10 percent seedling survival rate, that would mean an additional 525 million trees would be grown for the next generation.

And it's already looking good, with some of the lost rainforests that were cut down for coconut and rice plantations already restored.

They say that only 10 percent of what is planted will survive

Even if there are those who shirk work and cheat, do not go to work, then other children plant several trees for them.

And we collected potatoes as children. And you could take potatoes home, not bad either.

If you did not collect a truckload of potatoes - you are not a person))

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