Millions of mussels froze to death on the beach of a German island (3 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

Huge masses of dead mussels have accumulated on the northern beach of the German North Sea island of Norderney. The mollusks were washed ashore by a nighttime tidal current. The water and air are now so cold that they were unable to move and bury themselves in the sand, which is why they simply froze.

The American mooring mussels, which can reach 17 cm in length, have suffered particularly. This species appeared in the North Sea only in 1979, and unlike local mussels, it does not tolerate frost very well. In addition to mussels, frozen starfish can be seen among the dead shellfish.

This phenomenon occurs once every few years and, according to local authorities, does not cause serious concerns for the ecosystem. The American mooring mussel is very prolific, and its population is not threatened. And for seagulls, the tragedy of beached shellfish is a rare stroke of luck.

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