Girl faces jail time after bombarding ex-boyfriend with videos of her farting (2 photos + 1 video)

3 February 2025

Rhiannon Evans, 25, appeared before a judge for causing "distress or distress" to her boyfriend's ex-partner Deborah Prytherch. Evans' videos were branded "indecent or grossly offensive".

Prosecutor Diana Williams said in her first video address to magistrates in Caernarfon, north Wales: "She continues to fart with the camera on her buttocks."

Three more videos emerged on December 22.

Williams said four more similar images were sent over the next few days, showing "Ms Evans farting with her face smiling at the camera".

Rhiannon did not stop and continued her gas attack over Christmas and New Year, despite police being alerted to the incident.

Prytherch's victim impact statement, read out in court, said: "I would like to feel safe in my own home".

When Evans was arrested at her home in Caernarfon, she admitted sending the videos. The shop worker was initially charged with malicious communication. It emerged that the woman had resorted to the act because there were "some contact issues with the children" between her boyfriend and his ex.

Evans was given a 12-month community order and defended her actions in an interview with the publication, calling the case against her "petty".

She said: "I never thought farting would land me in court. I think the sentence is a bit extreme and dramatic. We live in a very 'snow' generation. I was sending WhatsApp messages. I regret it but I honestly didn't think I'd be here for something like this. It's petty. I've learnt my lesson."

Evans, who is said to have mental health issues, was also given 15 rehabilitation sessions, a 60-day alcohol monitoring order and a two-year restraining order.

She must pay £100 compensation and £199 in legal costs.

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