Teenagers hijacked subway train for fun (3 photos + 1 video)

3 February 2025

Teens opened a subway train on a siding and went for a ride. Police are still searching for the hijackers.

Over the weekend, several teenagers in New York City climbed onto an empty subway train on a siding near the 71st Avenue station in Forest Hills and rode it at about 30 mph.

Once inside, the hijackers covered the CCTV lenses with marker, but they filmed their ride and posted it on social media. The footage shows that the train's speedometer is showing a speed of about 30 miles per hour.

The video also shows six teenagers in hoods walking around the dark carriage, and one of them is sitting with his legs dangling over the rails.

It is unclear how long the "trip" lasted, but the train was eventually returned to the yard at the Brooklyn station where it was hijacked. Subway employees noticed that the train was not where they had left it earlier and called the police. Moreover, the train doors were locked, so it is assumed that the hijackers had special keys.

The thieves, according to police, fled the scene on foot and are searching for the culprits. They may be charged with reckless endangerment.

NBC New York notes that after such incidents, passengers began to doubt the safety of the subway. For example, last September, two teenagers broke into the Briarwood subway station and hijacked a stationary train. They were arrested after they wrecked the vehicle.

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