17 times when nature restored its rights (18 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

Technological progress has always been accompanied by large-scale construction of cities and development of infrastructure. But people often forget how dependent we are on nature, and that the environment requires careful treatment. But Mother Nature does not give up, and constantly demonstrates to us the fragility of our structures.

1. Guardiola of the abandoned Putzar Castle, Germany

Dr. Philip Wheeler, an ecologist and conservation biologist, imagined what would happen if humans suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth. One morning, the planet wakes up without people. A few days later, the power grid shuts down due to a lack of fuel and the activation of safety systems at power plants. Groundwater will flood the subway.

2. An old Shiva temple hugged tightly by the sacred Bodhi tree in Bangladesh

Within weeks, plants begin to take over the buildings, while different animals compete with each other to conquer the available space, and there are no humans to stop them.

3. A stone wall is no obstacle for a tree

Wildlife inhabits the cities. Farmland is covered first by brush, then by trees. Metal is destroyed, plastic begins to crack and dissipate. What remains are stainless steel pots, granite peaks, and billions of car tires.

4. A Tree Beats a Stair Railing

As chemical pollutants break down and sink into the soil, rivers become cleaner. Animals and plants thrive. Could the Earth ever recover if humans suddenly disappeared?

5. Tree roots echo the design of the tiles

6. Agave grows in an abandoned greenhouse

7. Become one with nature

8. Overgrown villa in Germany

9. Abandoned railway tracks

10. Nature has captured a boat that suffered wreck

11. Nature has decorated this old greenhouse

12. A boat turns into an island

13. A piano left on nature

14. Abandoned roller coaster returned to nature

15. German cruise ship hits uncharted cliff in Sandfly Passage, Solomon Islands, April 29, 2000 years

16. Tree swallows bench

17. Nature has prevailed

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