Streamer got a haircut for a donation of one hundred thousand dollars, but there is a nuance (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

Nobody promised that it would be US dollars.

MrBeast promised the streamer a generous donation of 100,000 for a trifle: the guy should shave his head. Many will do anything for that kind of money, and getting rid of the hair on their head - even more so! The streamer agreed to the offer without hesitation, but in the end, everything turned out differently than he imagined.

It turned out that they were talking about Zimbabwean dollars, and Mr. Beast's "advice" was not so generous: in American currency, the donation was only a little more than 300 US dollars. By that time, the streamer had already shaved off his luxurious forelock.

However, the offer seemed to have come from a fake account, because the half-bald poor guy did not even receive the promised 300 dollars.

This is far from the first case of streamers who are greedy for large donations being deceived. Earlier, Lacy shaved his hair and eyebrows for a donation of $2.5 thousand, but never received the money. More precisely, when the guy finished shaving, he discovered that a generous subscriber had returned his funds, reporting the theft of the card.

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