Cities that will be flooded by global warming by 2100 (10 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

By 2100, sea levels could rise by 1.9 meters if carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions continue to rise. This means that many cities will be underwater. Artificial intelligence has shown what awaits humanity.

The ImageFX neural network has depicted nine cities around the world that are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels. Can you name them? Scroll down to find out the answers.

This Asian city is one of the most densely populated on the continent, with a population of around nine million. However, with rising sea levels threatening to overwhelm the city, city planners must act quickly to prevent much of the city from being submerged by 2100. ImageFX shows how to solve this difficult problem: a new road system, island parks, and green skyscrapers.

This North American city is known for its music, annual festivals, and street party atmosphere, making it a favorite tourist destination. However, in ImageFX's vision, its downtown area is completely flooded. In just 75 years, residents will likely have to navigate the streets by boat rather than by car or other futuristic form of transportation.

A European cultural city of about a quarter of a million people, it is rich in maritime history and architecture. However, it is located in a low-lying area next to a tidal estuary, making it the most vulnerable to flooding in the country.

Downpours in November 2000 caused flooding in low-lying areas, and heavy rainfall in June 2007 overwhelmed the city's drainage systems.

ImageFX proposes an idea for unusual floating capsules with glass windows, connected by a network of pedestrian walkways. This solution should compensate for the loss of land.

Like something out of a sci-fi movie, this city is being transformed by climate change. Flyovers make their way over the water, and flying taxis make up for the lack of land. Both high-speed boats and traditional boats ply the water.

Half of the city is now less than one meter above sea level, making it particularly vulnerable to flooding.

A famous port city founded in the 9th century. It was a major trading centre and earned a reputation as one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. However, heavy rains, floods and storm surges pose a deadly threat to the city, so evacuation is a real possibility in the coming years.

According to Climate X, the cost of flooding in the city could reach 9.3 billion euros by 2100. The authorities are already taking measures to prevent flooding, such as strengthening levees, improving drainage systems and developing early warning systems.

The city has over 160 canals, which attracts many tourists. However, this also means that rising sea levels could lead to flooding, putting historic streets and buildings at risk.

In this photo by ImageFX, some of the bridges have been converted into boat slips. It looks like travelers will have to get around town by boat rather than bike.

This historic city has suffered from flooding before, but in recent decades, it has become all too common. In November 2019, a 1.8-metre high tide hit the city, leaving over 80% of the area underwater.

If you want to imagine what it will be like in 2100, watch the 2006 film Casino Royale. James Bond finds himself in a sinking building in this city.

This Asian city has a deadly combination of poor drainage and heavy rainfall. Home to 14 million people, the dire economic situation has contributed to poor infrastructure maintenance and urban planning. This has led to clogged sewers, unsanitary conditions and poorly designed canals.

The popular resort looks almost unrecognizable. The golden shores are gone, and the city itself is lost in the turbulent waters.

The local government writes on its website: "Severe flooding is one of many natural hazards our city faces every year."

Here are the correct answers:

1. Bangkok, Thailand

2. New Orleans, USA

3. Hull, UK

4. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

5. Hamburg, Germany

6. Amsterdam, Netherlands

7. Venice, Italy

8. Kolkata, India

9. Gold Coast, Australia

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