A complete ban on mobile phones for students has been introduced in China (4 photos)

4 January 2025

So far, the pilot project has only affected the city of Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

Study, study and study again, and not stare at your phones. This is the harsh ban that has befallen all schoolchildren in this city, which has a population of over 8.5 million people.

Schoolchildren are strictly forbidden to bring phones, tablets, smart watches and other equipment to school, an exception to this rule is written permission from parents. But even here, not everything is so simple.

You can bring a phone with permission, but you can’t use it, since the student is required to hand it over to the administration for safekeeping, and you can pick it up at the end of the school day.

But how can children contact their parents if something is urgent? A natural question. But thoughtful Chinese teachers easily found a solution to this seemingly difficult task.

Educational institutions simply installed public telephones, and that's it. Need to call your mom urgently? No problem, call, but you won't be able to surf the Internet.

This ban applies to primary, secondary and secondary vocational schools.

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