Photos that will make any perfectionist smile with satisfaction (17 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
17 December 2024

And sometimes everything around seems to work out just like that to please lovers of strict order in everything.

Only a perfectionist could make such ice

Surprisingly, there is nothing to the muffin tin stuck

"The nut on the label perfectly matched the nut in chocolate"

When "perfect" happens by chance, it brings double the pleasure!

"Pepperoni fits perfectly in an onion ring"

Snow literally slides off the roof and does it perfectly

"Table perfectionist"

Whoever came up with this table is a great guy! It saves both space and the nerves of a perfectionist.

"The boxes of gloves fit perfectly in the desk drawer"

"The cat dropped a flower pot"

If his owner is a perfectionist, he probably won't even scold the tailed rascal.

«Flat shadow from the bench»

«Through the blinds the light falls under the railing at the same angle»

«Ideal symmetry"

Nature is the main perfectionist! It proves this with both its symmetry and asymmetry.

"This avocado pit fits perfectly into the hole in the cutting board"

"When my wife inserted the keys to start the car, they formed a symmetry"

"The scale on the kitchen tiles"

I think this garage was made for this car

"We have a new butcher at work and I like the way he displays the goods"

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