The longest banquet in the world is 4.5 kilometers (5 photos)

12 December 2024

In Liuchun, China, there is a tradition of throwing a banquet 4,500 meters long! Together, they line up 4,000 tables. The festival is called the "Long Street Banquet." This huge celebration is traditional among the local Hani people who live in Liuchun.

On this day, EVERYONE wears their traditional ethnic attire

Thousands of residents flock to the street for the banquet, dressed in their traditional embroidered vests and beaded headdresses. It was born about 20 years ago, but has already become famous throughout the country and attracts thousands of tourists every year.

Moreover, in November-December in the provinces is just the perfect temperature for outdoor feasts - about 20 degrees.

How the longest banquet began

Luchun also hovers under the sky, 1700 meters above sea level

The first such banquet on the street was held in 2004, but then there were half as many tables there - 2041. Every year since then, the number of tables in the line has been steadily growing. And yes, somewhere around 3 thousand tables the Hani took the Guinness World Record for themselves, and no one has been able to beat them yet.

But only 240 thousand people live in Liuchun, and about a hundred thousand Chinese people come to see the festival temporarily.

An interesting feature is that Hani boys and girls of preschool age are usually dressed the same

The fact is that the Hani are an ethnic minority with their own unique culture, dialect and outfits. The Chinese are curious about their way of life, and the Longest Banquet is a very original way to demonstrate it. Like the American Thanksgiving, this banquet is a chance to put the best fruits of the harvest on the table this year.

Not only in Liuchun

Light wicker tables were woven for the holiday to make it easier to line up

In fact, this is not a unique local tradition, it is just that Liuchun has the largest number of Hani people - 87 percent of the total population. Similar banquets are held throughout Honghe Prefecture, but there are simply not enough people there on such an amazing scale.

Of course, the guests will not go hungry. They try to put local traditional dishes on the tables, which you can try for a certain fee. When the festival was only for locals, then everything was free, but it is not so easy to feed a hundred thousand tourists, so they had to make trading "tables" for them.

Tourists walk past, you can't cross to the other side - you have to go around 4.5 kilometers!

But the festival is still very "homey", every child playing on the street, dressed for the occasion in national costumes, can run up and eat at any table.

And no one has ever been poisoned by anything, they know how to cook well!

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