35 new versions of family photos (36 photos)

10 December 2024

Looking through family photo albums can be a great way to spend time. You reminisce about old stories, immersing yourself in the details of the moment. Photos have an amazing ability to transport us back in time, so why not recreate it? Judging by these collages, the idea is quite popular.

1. 30 years have passed, now there are two pilots in the family

2. Girlfriends on vacation 50 years after

3. Together forever

4. 1997 and 2011 (the pet is already 17 years)

5. Made Mom Laugh (18 Years Gap)

6. My Dad, 21. Me, 22. Same T-shirt, same guitar

7. Snorri, 1991-2012, Reykjavik

8. Then and Now

9. Mamin assistant

10. Swords, 1990-2012, Buenos Aires

11. My mother and I in 1994, my daughter and I in 2024 year

12. 1988-2012, Berlin

13. Me and Mom on the porch: 1971 and 2019

14.59 years later

15. 1971 and 2019

16. April 14, 1983/April 14 2018

17. My dad and me. 2001, 2024

18. Never learned to eat ice cream

19. Jack the Horse is Immortal! Me and my mom 27 years later

20. 1 year and 27 years

21. Girlfriends in 2007 and in 2024

22. My dad and I in 1986 and 2011

23. My daughter recreated our 30-year-old graduation photos years ago

24. My Italian grandparents recreated their 1964 wedding photo 30 years later. They look like they're even happier together

25. I was cleaning out my closet and found my favorite shorts. 2002 vs 2024

26. With my son in 1995/ with my grandson in 2024

27. My friend and I have been together for 20 years later

28. 1990 and 2024. We still spend time together

29. It's been 70 years, my brother and I inseparable

30. In 1996 and now

31. The couple in 1968 and in 2019

32. Margo 1982-2013, Paris

33. My mother in Venice, 1985 and 2024

34. Me with my sons in 1995. Repeated the image in 2023

35. With a difference of 21 years

1 comment
16 December 2024
Вот еще там пацан из Рейкьявика изменился, а двор нет, кроме дерева
Ваще жуть ето деградация архитектури, там постройку снесли на фото с девушками и построили какойто типовой бизнес-центр. А кот смотрю не вирос нифига
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