20 people who instantly regretted their decision (21 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
4 December 2024

We all make mistakes, but not all of us become internet stars afterward. Although these people would probably trade their fame to never remember these embarrassing moments again. Here are 20 disastrous mistakes illustrated with hilarious gifs.

1. Error: didn't put on a shell

2. Error: ate little porridge as a child and didn't grow tall

3. Error: forgot that the TV can't "high five" back

4. Error: made friends with a ninja

5. Error: instead of ballroom dancing, took up breakdancing

6. Error: forgot that he has skin

7. Error: did not check the house for snipers

8. Error: neglected stretching

9. Error: was in the wrong place at the wrong time

10. Error: asked his parents to give him a little brother

11. Error: decided that it was an optical illusion

12. Error: didn't hold hands on 10-2

13. Error: decided that it was smarter than the animals for which this electric fence was intended

14. Error: tried to cheat

15. Error: forgot how old they are

16. Error: thought it was a warning "Hot!" was a compliment to her singing

17. Mistake: loosened my grip

18. Mistake: skipped physics classes at school

19. Mistake: trying to save time

20. Mistake: explaining baseball rules too well to daughter

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