11 photos from the distant past that show how the world has changed (12 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
4 December 2024

Everything flows, everything changes. And the past has reached us in photographs that tell more than any history book. Some of them keep quite fascinating and mysterious stories, and like a time machine they can take you back in time. Take a look!

1. An arthritic Renoir paints flowers in his garden, circa 1910

2. A man apologizes to his wife in divorce court, Chicago, 1948 year

3. Carrie Nation, an American activist who fought against alcohol. She would go into bars and smash drinks with her axe, 1901

4. Shoemakers in the 19th century

5. Profession: Drunk porter, Turkey

6. Trendy Men's Hairstyles, Seventies

7. Women Protest Against Compulsory Hijab Days After the 1979 Iranian Revolution years

8. Chilean President Salvador Allende was on the verge of death during a military coup in the Moneda Palace in Santiago

9. Chang "The Chinese Giant" with his wife and manager. He was said to be over 8 feet tall and could reportedly speak six to ten languages ​​in 1871

10. Circus owner Barnum and his three dwarfs, General Thumbs, Lavinia Warren, and Commodore Nutt, 1800

11. Sound pickup ZT-5 on a car platform. USSR, 1940s

A sound detector is an acoustic installation with two pairs of horn pipes: one moved horizontally and determined the distance of the sound source, the other moved vertically, it determined the height of the sound source. After testing the "Prozhzvuk" in real combat conditions, it turned out that everything depends on the operator of the sound detector.

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