Japanese women began to paint themselves with hot glue (5 photos)

28 November 2024

A new fashion trend in Japan (and China is following suit) is for girls to make artificial tears in the form of drops from hardening hot glue.

This type of makeup is called 3D makeup, because they are not drawn, but voluminous. It is currently booming in popularity among Japanese fashionable schoolgirls.

I wouldn't relax, clubfoot has been a trend for many years

It is believed that if you look like you are sadly crying big tears, then you are insanely cute and evoke more sympathy. What can I say... Japanese women. Clubfoot is fashionable for them, and crooked teeth are an element of charm.

Well, you can make a snowy image, for example

It's good that they don't pour the glue directly on their face, but first on a mirror or glass, so that they can drip a few drops and then choose the most beautiful ones. And when the glue hardens, it sticks to the face. They stick to the face with eyelash glue.

It's funny that the phenomenon is so widespread that some regional stores even suddenly started to have a shortage of hot glue. Since the demand for such a specific product suddenly increased 500 times. And the sellers didn't know or understand why schoolgirls were flocking to their construction site.


Many say that it doesn't look like tears, but like snot on a face or something worse from erotic content.

This is an attempt to repeat the big tears from manga

In China, this trend is ridiculed much more than in Japan. There, it's only for photos on social networks in order to be on the crest of trends. But it is called funny and strange. And also inappropriate for schoolgirls (well, here, as they say, "Doctor, where did you get such pictures?")

And even the fact that this glue is chemical and can cause skin irritation and allergies does not stop anyone. It is usually used for crafts and even cosplay, who knew that they would start making jewelry directly from glue?

European experiments with a trend. Bad, no matter how you look at it

The trend is funny, strange, but very Japanese. But schoolgirls sometimes use it very ineptly. Now if an artist designs it, it will be chic.

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