Overcame 13 thousand km: for the sake of one minute with Ronaldo, a fan rode a bicycle for 7 months (3 photos + 1 video)

2 November 2024

The reason for the desperate move was the cancellation of Ronaldo's trip to China. The guy plans to visit Ronaldo's hometown in Portugal next.

A young man from China, surnamed Gong, spent seven months cycling from China to Saudi Arabia to meet his idol, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

24-year-old Gong began his journey on March 18 from the eastern Chinese province of Anhui. During this time, he visited Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Qatar and several other countries until he reached the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, where Ronaldo is based.

In some countries where food prices were high, he ate bread. To communicate with locals, Gong used a translator program.

In August, the guy developed a high temperature in Armenia and lost consciousness on the side of the road. He was sent to the hospital for free treatment.

The idea to ride a bike to see his star came to him after Ronaldo canceled his trip to China due to injury in February.

In total, Gong traveled 13,000 kilometers to see him.

All he took with him were two 60,000mAh power banks, a tent, kitchen utensils, clothes, and some basic necessities.

On October 20, Gong met Ronaldo in front of Al-Nassr Football Club, fulfilling a dream he had since he was a child.

Gong said he was very happy to see his idol with his own eyes.

According to the young man, during the meeting with Ronaldo, which lasted about a minute, the footballer shook his hand, hugged him, signed a T-shirt with the number 7 "Al-Nasr" and a banner on which were written the names of Gong's friends and the sentence: "I dream of true love and freedom."

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