Elon Musk promised to raffle off a million dollars daily among Trump supporters (5 photos + 1 video)

24 October 2024

By November 5, Elon Musk intends to spend $17 million on such support for the presidential candidate. The first lucky ones have already received their checks for one million dollars.

The founder and head of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk promised that every day until November 5 (the day of the US presidential election) he will raffle off $1 million among those who support D. Trump.

The money can only go to those who signed the online petition to protect the first and second amendments to the US Constitution.

These amendments to the US Constitution guarantee freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, respectively.

Elon Musk

I. Musk announced this decision at a meeting in support of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, and then wrote on the social network X. The goal of the action is to draw attention to the petition. Interestingly, it is difficult to accuse Musk of pressuring voters. If he paid them to vote, such actions would be considered a crime, but the laws do not prohibit rewarding for signing a petition, The New York Times notes. However, a number of lawyers believe that in any case, this action is illegal.

The petition was published by the America PAC (political-action committee), which was created to support Trump's election campaign. Accordingly, this same committee will present the awards.

The first recipients of million-dollar checks from Musk have already been announced. The very first check was received by American John Dreher, who took part in the Republican event. Presenting the award, Musk said that John had no idea about the draw, and it was a surprise for him.

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