16 people marked by Mother Nature herself (17 photos)

24 October 2024

Someone was found to have unusual heterochromia, someone showed off a multi-colored beard, and others showed how to distinguish artificial teeth from real ones.

1. "My hair and eyelashes are different colors - on one side they are light, and on the other they are dark"

2. "My colleague has a line on his hand that reaches freckles"

3. "I was born with sector heterochromia"

4. "My daughter was born in February and she has an extra finger"

5. Due to a damaged nerve, this finger no longer wrinkles in water

6. "My newborn son is covered head to toe in white "downy"

This hair is called "lanugo". It usually falls out before the baby is born, but some babies have it for 1-2 weeks after birth.

7. No, this girl is not a terminator - she had a cornea transplant

I have 16 stitches in my eye from a cornea transplant. You can see every single one in the light.

8. "Only a quarter of my beard is red"

9. "I'm almost blind in my left eye, and it doesn't turn red when the flash lights up"

10. "My son has two different hair colors flowers"

11. "Freckles" on the eyes

According to the girl, she checked them with a doctor several times, and they do not pose any health risks.

12. "When it gets cold outside, my fingers lose circulation"

Commentators suggested that the girl most likely has Raynaud's phenomenon - a circulatory disorder in the upper extremities.

13. "I have a hair in my eyebrow that never stops growing"

14. Under UV light, a crown doesn't look like regular teeth

15. "A wrinkle on my finger disappeared after I didn't bend it for 4 months joint"

16. "My pupil is irregularly shaped, but I've had no problems with it for 25 years"

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