Feeding for 35 years: a woman's yard was occupied by an army of raccoons

Today, 14:39

A Kitsep County, Washington woman has been feeding animals for decades. But recently, an "army" of raccoons came into her yard and started causing her serious problems.

A huge group of more than 100 raccoons has taken over a woman's yard in Kitsep County, Washington. After she was unable to leave her home due to the animals' aggressive behavior, she contacted local law enforcement.

Journalists write that the reason for this was the woman's excessive kindness, who had been feeding these animals for 35 years and had never had any problems. However, six weeks ago, the situation changed.

"Somehow word got out in raccoon country, and they all came to her house expecting food," Kitsep County Sheriff's Office spokesman Kevin McCarthy said, adding that when they received a call for help from a distressed woman who said raccoons had trapped her in her car in her yard.

Upon arrival, the police were shocked to see a huge group of raccoons, which, however, were behaving quite quietly. The frightened woman told the police that she had never seen so many animals in her life, and several of them were quite aggressive. The officers advised her to contact the Department of Wildlife Protection to resolve the situation.

Then, as journalists write, the owner of the yard was asked to contact private trappers who are engaged in the capture of wild animals. After the appeal, they said that they were ready to do this and demanded $ 500 for each caught animal, which in total could cost the woman tens of thousands of dollars.

At the same time, neighbors confirmed that raccoons had been constantly wandering near the unfortunate woman's house for more than a month. One of them said that his dog had fought with the furry impudent creatures several times, and on the main road leading to the place of residence of people, he saw the bodies of several animals. Another neighbor of the unfortunate woman, Wendy Cronk, said that she has also had several uninvited guests in her yard. She hopes that her neighbor will get help to solve this problem.

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Today, 17:28
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Хм, дай погодувати дику тварину! Привчу як його, а й його потомство. Ого! Вже сто штук і вони живуть в очікуванні їжі, бо полінувалися і почали нападати?! Поліція! Допоможіть, рятуйте! Рятунку немає від дикого звіра!
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